dust to dust: carlos agamez
25 August – 11 September 2022

Dust to Dust symbolises the human transformation of matter and natural space. Through a performative act, the artwork embodies human rootedness, uprootedness and impermanence.

During the performance, the artist quotes the biblical verse “for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Ecclesiastes 3:20). This passage conveys the idea that we are earth no matter our social condition, nationality or provenance. Moreover, because we are earth, we carry stories tightly connected to the spaces we inhabit. Our sense of place profoundly modifies our memory. 

Opening event: Friday 26 August, 6 – 9pm. Join us as Carlos Agamez performs an excerpt of the original Dust to Dust performance at 7pm.

Image credit: Raul Ortiz de Lejarazu Machin.