rewilding: lea rose
8 – 21 December 2022

In Rewilding, Lea Rose speaks to the paradigm between the human condition and the world climate crisis. Colonialisation, industrialisation and capitalism have created an addiction to consume natural resources, consequentially also leading to a sense of despondency. Drawing on methods of psychotherapy, Rose unpacks the darkest places of the self: relentless suffering of grief and loss; the isolation of mental health; what it means to be lost—to be broken. Specifically, Rose’s work is inspired by Carl Jung’s shadow theory and the natural drive towards transformation through resilience and evolution of the psyche. Here, Rose’s multidisciplinary art practice looks to the concept of rewilding for answers. 

Rose focuses our attention on the importance of connecting to the natural world. Nature - it’s here we can heal. This also allows us to recognise the significance of its protection.

Opening event: Friday 9 December, 6 – 9pm

Image: Rewilding Mycorrhizae (detail), Lea Rose, pure pigment, oils and charcoal on recycled raw linen, with sewn and knitted line, 100x80cm.