Our latest Artist Profile features Kate Symons, recipient of one of the Clifroy Prizes in our 2019 Small Works Art Prize. Her work explores the use of natural remnants and fibres – constructing sculptures that repurpose materials found in our own backyard in order to create something wholly new.
What medium(s) do you work with, and why have you chosen them?
I like to explore a range of mediums, currently I am enjoying natural fibres. I do tend to enjoy working with my hands in a 3D format.
Can you elaborate a little more on your making process — how does your artwork get from initial concept to exhibition stage?
The joy of creating art comes through the process in itself. I draw quite a bit in my sketchbook, but with the work that I am producing at the moment a lot of the final piece happens organically as I create.
Who or what are the biggest influences to your work?
The beauty of nature and the natural surroundings of the Merri creek, close to my home and studio.
How do you keep your creative juices flowing? How do you push past creative block?
Discipline and rewarding myself after getting some work done! I have a thirst for exploring new possibilities and bringing the ideas to fruition.
How does where you grew up, or where you live now affect your art?
I have been lucky to have the opportunities to travel a fair amount and live in different countries, these experiences have all affected my creative process and outcomes.
Can you tell us a little more about your creative working environment/studio?
I tend to collect “things”! I am surrounded by these all the time. I always have many projects on at the same time!
What’s next for you after your time at Brunswick Street Gallery? What upcoming projects are you working on now?
I have a couple of exhibitions coming up that I am working towards, using natural grasses.
What does your selection as one of the winners of this Small Works Art Prize mean to you, and to the future of your practice?
Surprisingly it really boosted my confidence. I have never been one for awards, so I was surprised how much it affected me. The recognition and validation are very encouraging. Thank you to the staff and judges at BSG.
The recipient of a Clifroy Prize is awarded a contribution towards pursuing a solo exhibition at Brunswick Street Gallery in 2019-20.
Brunswick Street Gallery wishes to thank Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank for their generous support and thoughtful selection of this Prize.